Current projects / News

Together with specialised cooperation partners we are currently planning and realising projects for infrastructure and companies in West Africa.

Please visit our website often and inform yourself about our further projects!
If you have any detailed questions about our projects, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Big 5 Dubai

With around 65,000 visitors, the largest and most influential trade fair for the construction industry in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) took place on 5-8 December 22. Participants from 150 countries and over 2000 exhibitors displayed and demonstrated their achievements in the exhibition halls of the World Trade Centre.

For us, the joint stand, Bayern-International, was the perfect platform to present our services in cooperation with German and European partners. Thanks to our long-standing presence in Africa, we were able to make interesting contacts and discuss upcoming projects.

Pictured from left: Etienne Vibou, Managing Director Africa; Erich Horlacher, Managing Director; Ibrahima Camara, Managing Director

Mauritania and Guinea: WENDIT Showrooms for Industry and Trade

In our project practice-oriented showrooms and information centres for the presentation and sale of technical products such as: Tools and machines as well as small systems such as solar kits and generators for energy production, we are realising two showrooms with indoor and outdoor exhibition areas with trained local sales and service staff. Further showrooms in West African countries with a focus on the industry are in the planning phase.

Mauritania: Project for the regeneration of batteries and cleaning of all kinds of oils

For the Mauritanian mining company SNIM, we are developing mobile aggregates to regenerate batteries, engine oil and hydraulic oil on site at any time in order to ensure that their machines can be used at any time and to minimise stockpiling.

Benin: Delivery and installation of equipment for drinking and process water production

Sierra Leone: Planning of a 30 MW solar power plant

Benin: Energy supply for health stations with solar kits

Benin: LED solar street lighting

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to contact us